Debbie Benson
on May 11, 2022
Here's an idea . . . how about replacing the word "RIGHTS" with the word "RESPONSIBILITY." I have long been amused by the number of people ranting and raving for their "rights," but I hear little to nothing about their responsibility. Only when one is incapable, whether by personal will or external force, of taking such responsibility can entitlement to rights be examined. I teach my children this, and hope they will be better people and citizens of this great country because of it.
Reproductive Responsibility BEFORE Reproductive Rights
Human Responsibility BEFORE Human Rights
Women's Responsibility BEFORE Women's Rights
Immigrant Responsibility BEFORE Immigrant Rights
Student Responsibility BEFORE Student Rights
Voter Responsibility BEFORE Voter Rights
Gun Responsibility BEFORE Gun Rights
Civil Responsibility BEFORE Civil Rights
Parental Responsibility BEFORE Parental Rights
The list can go on and on and be applied to any "RIGHT." Before you react, really think about each one of these and what they mean.
If we actually focused upon the responsibility and all that is entailed with each of these, BEFORE we started claiming rights to them, society and the world would be a far better place. The lack of accountability warrants dismissing any rights one may lay claim to. We are now plagued by a mass of people (especially youth) that feel entitled to things they have not earned, nor fully understand.
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