Dennis Homer Love Jr
on May 11, 2022
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Part three of continuing story 3
Fred had used his influence to get me to stay in the plane by placing an inhaler I instantly recognized as what they gave me as a child during training as a reward. It had narcotic effects and if you reward a child with it you can train him to do anything I'm living proof of that. When I found it were he left it I discovered it was empty and he was taking off as I ran out yelling at him for lying. I went back in the plane and tried to sleep only to be awakened by young cadets training in night operations to become part of a federal multitask force that worked with all branches of police throughout the country. Barks Dale AFB was were they trained these cadets growing through much more extensive training than police. I was approached by a device much like a mask curving around corners to see and speaking in a scary voice. Totally stunned I realized it didn't look human and asked it what it was it responded saying it was evil. I had been told by the shaman in South America that if you ask if something is evil and it speaks in with a man's voice it is a man not evil. Evil doesn't speak with a man's voice. I said tell me something if you are evil then why do you speak with a man's voice and stabbed the mask all the way through piercing his face and having him pull back the strange device yelling as his face slipped out and he stumbled back a few steps. I began to stab him but he covered up his neck telling me I couldn't kill him that way and I started stabbing his arms and legs yelling that I will bleed him to death then and he started running as I was sticking him. After a brief sprint he would stop and rest then I would run up and start stabbing again it was pitch dark midnight and I was use to being outside on the dark in South America he had a night vision goggles but they were useless running in an open field. He called on the radio telling his captain he was being attacked and the captain said to shoot me but he wasn't carrying his gun. Soon the patrolling group caught up to us. The Sargent in charge of the group pulled out his gun and asked me if I knew what it was? I told him it was a 45m. He demanded I put down the knife. As I stabbed the trainee one more time then he shot into the air and said the next shot will be in me if I don't throw the knife down. Asking me why was I trying to kill his cadet and what I was doing on the military base. I told him his cadet told me he was evil and I'm here to stamp evil out I was told I could kill evil. Briefly asking questions and took a look at me saying that I was a little solider wasn't I claiming I had been trained to act this way. He asked about my arrival then suggested that we have a campfire of sorts that they would bring food to celebrating my return to America and allowing me to tell my story of what had happened in South America. It was the first time I received American hospitality since I left Arkansas with Pablo Escobar and Stephen Shaffer. We set around the fire and ate real comfort camp fire snacks, drank soda and I was asked about were I had been telling the story while each one seemed to have a question of their own giving me a real snice of respect for the hanged on every word. Then I got tied speaking and asked them to tell a story of their experiences but they said we can tell you things that are a big deal like that to us but they are no comparison to your stories. They were fascinated with Pablo Escobar and my time with him. A multitask federal force spanning all departments they would be sent were ever necessary in small teams to complete an operation verifying information, stepping over the boundaries of police when necessary to get the job done with federal jurisdiction. They were dreaming of their future and training for the present. We talked till day lite and they returned to their special barracks before sun up. I was waiting for Fred J Foster to return staying inside the plane during the day and coming out at night to find cadets checking on me usually one would stay longer than another it was done in secret because they couldn't get caught disobeying orders. I was sexually active in South America and it didn't take much influence to rape me for food and drinks but I didn't consider it rape I chose to participate. It was all consensual except for my attempt to give the trainee that I stabbed in the face. Trying to make up for hurting him we agreed to terms before beginning then he took over his way raping me by force to gain some of his pride back from being mad fun of by the group for a kid putting him in the infirmary. After being consoled by one of the more affectionate trainees I was encouraged to leave the plane and be found because they figured Fred J Foster had abandoned coming back for me. After a few days the trainees that would visit me at night began getting more interested in the cargo I had and as I was sleeping dozing off one night took the backpack that had military documents from the cartel housing in Colombia given to me by the killers and a small tin can filled with body parts of people I knew that I wanted to bury myself. Once alerted to the backpacks contents the base Commander sent a trainee to tell me my presence is requested in his office as soon as possible. I went and was surprised to find a warm welcome from a very professional man. Telling him my story he went over the military documents asking what I planned on doing with them. I told him they were evidence of what was at the compound in Colombia and asked if he could have them claiming some of them were sensitive military information giving locations of precise places in the world that military equipment and personal were known to be at that time explaining that there not terribly important but could cause harm if fell into the wrong hands. I had no intention of denying the military a request and offered the documents to him allowing me to tell the CIA of the transfer ending my reason for holding on to them. Some propaganda documents "Silent weapons for quite wars" and the body parts in the can be returned to me. I was now given food that would be brought to the plane were he explained I can stay till I was to be picked up from the base by Fred J Foster who the base commander now had on the phone at 2:30 in the morning. Explaining that the boy who he left on the plane has now been found dead and telling Fred J Foster to come to clean up his mess as soon as possible. I gulped as he hung up the phone asking what did you mean the boy is now dead. He said Fred would be more likely to come sooner if he felt I was in a bind. He could care less if I played dead when he arrives. He just wanted a speedy end to this unusual situation on his base. Fred J Foster checked my body when he checked the plane and I silently laid waiting holding my breath until he got in the cockpit put on a smile and started the plane then began to take off as he was singing a song from the church that I remember well I thought it was no time to let him know I was alive as his song neared a familiar part I set up and leaned over the seat into his field of vision and sung out matching his words "He's got the whole world in his hands". His head turned and his eyes adjusted while his face changed colors I asked where we are going. He screamed opening the door and jumped out of the plane leaving me leaning over the seat as the plane continued down the runway with no pilot I jumped over the seat and grabbed the stick then realized I didn't have to be on the plane either then jumped out as well. Walking back to Fred he worriedly looked on at the empty plane slowly approaching the end of the runway and getting close to other stationary vehicles along the way. Claiming that I was going to take the blame if the plane hits or damages something. I remarked to him I wasn't and once the plane stopped I opened my arms and walked towards Fred but he responded what are you doing I said I want to hug you. Fred says that is not going to happen and turns and sprints out of reach. I am curious about his sudden nature and continue my approach as Fred J Foster a grown man that I know believes in God takes off running just out of reach saying I don't know that that is you D.J. I checked you before you wasn't breathing,I said I held my breath to fool you I know the base commander told you I was dead I was in the office when he called you. Fred determined not to let me get a holt of him climbs a fence and is now bear climbing the telephone pole attached to it. I look up in amazement thinking he has to be messing with me. He tells me sometimes when people die what comes back is not the person that left. I said there's no way you believe that. I'm thinking who else would they be regardless it doesn't matter I didn't die I just pretended to see what you would do. I found out he was taking off to go drop my body out of the plane somewhere. So I said it's me brother Foster it's D.J. Love my grandmother is Marie Brady she runs the nursery. I was in the musical Down by the creek bank by an old hollow log. I must have been three or four I had one line and I shouted out in a child's voice Down by the creek bank by an old hollow log. He turns to look down and chuckles and says well D.J. maybe it is you but I'm wound up at the moment I believe it's you just give me a minute or two let me catch my breath I wasn't prepared for the base commander to lie about you being dead I already made it up in my mind you were gone. Fred takes his time and finally climbs down tells me he is alright now and if I want to I can hug him now. I do hug him and let him know he isn't getting away from my sight until he carries me home he looks down and says I got some bad news then as he explains he has to leave one more time to get the FBI and his wife sister Foster to bring his car to drive us home. When he returns he arranged a plan with me to be going down the runway in the plane to look as if I just landed. I waited for his car as a signal but I became bored and started early just making the plane go up and down the runway. When he and the FBI returned there was no way they could say I just landed. So Fred and the FBI begin to talk as I approached them. I realized Fred was not giving the information concerning my kidnapping by Pablo Escobar and how I left the country along with Stephen Shaffer of the CIA.The FBI took possession of my backpack containing the military documents and propaganda not taken by the base commander along with the tin can with the dead body parts. They tell me they will keep them until I get older. The backpack was put into a locker while the can of body parts was put in cryogenic storage until I turned 18. Fred couldn't convince the FBI that I flew on base as I tried to explain I was flown by him he hands me a narcotic inhaler that this time it is full and immediately I began to inhale as many times as I could because they always take it back away. It's purpose then kept me from speaking out about the truth because the narcotic in the inhaler was addictive and I automatically start inhaling when one is given usually for a reward but It is awesome at making me shut up. The FBI are given a bogus story by Fred as I continue to listen and watch the conversation with a mean look Fred knew he had outsmarted me again using the inhaler when absolutely necessary. Satisfied with the inhaler I turn to see sister Foster waving a bag of candy at me by the car. I go to her and began to talk about my disgusting outlook on the events. As we are leaving the base she broke out crying and for the first time since I left America, I felt the emotions of what it meant to hurt a lady's feelings especially a church lady. I had not been in the presence of a lady and forgot how to speak around one. She is crying because I am not a kid anymore and can tell what happened was traumatic and how unfortunate that a child from our church should have gone through anything like this. Fred begins to argue and tells me how I'm walking home as soon as the on-ramp turns into the interstate. He pulls over and I come to terms with walking from Barks Dale AFB to my home exit mile marker 107. I start to walk and put my thumb out suddenly a man in a truck pulls over and gives me a lift. He is not going all the way but I asked if he would take me as far as he could. Fred follows us and turns on his headlights to signal the driver to pull over. He explains to the driver he didn't expect me to get a ride so soon and was trying to teach me a lesson for making his wife cry. The man seemed to be happy to get out of our presence. Fred tells me to be quiet and he will drive me home. He gets off at the 107 exit then instead of driving to my house he goes straight across to continue on the interstate once past the yield sign backs up on the shoulder and says look at it like this you only have walk walk three miles to get home now compared to the 70 something miles it would have been from Barks Dale AFB. He said goodbye and see you at church. I walked home three miles alone with no possessions being taken from class at elementary school by Stephen Shaffer of the CIA some 4 or 6 weeks ago expecting a serious talk with my parents thinking about what they would say. I walk in the driveway and kiss the ground look up at the sky and raise my hands praising the Lord. I truly never thought I would see our property and trailer again. My father is at the table watching a comedy sitcom laughing as I walk in. I have not been seen by anyone in my family since I went to school one morning last month. I was waiting for a response or question from my father but he kept watching TV as I stare at him noticing a smile that wouldn't go away and a red face light up instantly knowing he knew something about where I had been and began to interrupt his tv program yelling out to get his attention. Find out how it went in my next post. Soon to come.
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