Tere Ivettsy Rivera
on May 8, 2022
Hijas, Hermanas, Esposas y Madres
En cada etapa el Señor nos ha sostenido. Nos ha ayudado a mantenernos de pie resistiendo todo viento contrario. Él nos ha enseñado el camino a seguir, nos ha mostrado su amor, paciencia y misericordia en cada paso que hemos dado. También ha sido nuestro escudo y refugio. Hoy celebramos en familia la bendición que Dios nos dio de ser primeramente sus hijas, sus princesas, de ser hermanas, de poder ser esposas y la dicha de poder ser madres. Una madre se celebra todos los días mostrándole amor y respeto. Cuidándola y ayudándola.
Daughters, Sisters, Wives and Mothers
At every stage the Lord has sustained us. It has helped us stand up against any contrary wind. He has shown us the path to follow, he has shown us his love, patience and mercy in every step we have taken. It has also been our shield and refuge. Today we celebrate as a family the blessing that God gave us to be first his daughters, his princesses, to be sisters, to be able to be wives and the joy of being able to be mothers. A mother is celebrated every day by showing her love and respect. Taking care of her and helping her.
Dimension: 816 x 1056
File Size: 116.04 Kb
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