The Cairo Curmudgeoness
     This morning I was drinking my coffee and listening to the birds, it is a little foggy and we are expecting storms through tomorrow afternoon.  It is a lovely feeling to sit here and quietly contemplate life.
     I hope you have seen the Star Trek movie "Insurrection".
The Ba'ku have incredibly long life spans.  They have rejected advanced technology and live in harmony with nature.  Ok, I understand, my summary makes it sound a little hokey but it is a beautiful film.
     I thought about that film yesterday when I got out my laptop.  It seems that rather than being time-saving it wastes time and increases my frustration level.  Microsoft seems to believe that I have nothing better to do than stay "updated". Granted, the updates are good and no big deal if the machine is always plugged in and connected.  Mine isn't so I sit and wait. And Wait. And Wait.
     We all need to sit down to appreciate the sounds and smells of nature.  Maybe, just maybe, we too will be able to suspend time and capture the "perfect moment" without some machine controlling our reaction.
Dimension: 400 x 226
File Size: 15.98 Kb
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