Have you noticed when you get HOT that is all you can think about? It doesn't matter what caused the feeling you just know you are HOT and MISERABLE. Logically, you know that the feeling MIGHT be alleviated by opening a window, walking outside, turning on the A/C but sometimes we all just waller in our misery. As I have said, I have been avoiding MSM, it has allowed my internal temperature to moderate. Last night we ended up watching the news. Granted. I napped thru about half of it but it still went in! What I discovered is that the "experts" are still pedaling the same divisive dribble. The old tribal us versus them but with NO ideas to actually fix anything. I don't know why we have allowed ourselves to fall prey to the simple divisive rhetoric of the antagonists. What "they" fail to realize is that brow beating will not work in the long run! Turn down the heat before the pot boils dry.....
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Julia Miller