Willow Marie
on May 4, 2022
Saw a post today where the libs were blaming "Trump voting Republicans" for wanting to protect unborn and after birth children. Yea, us dam assholes! How dare we protect the children, when we can be selfish self revolved libs perfectly ok with killing babies and justifying it with my body my choice. How about taking accountability? Oh yea, forgot, that word does not exist in a lib vocabulary. You guys are disgusting, you don't take one single second out to look past yourselves. Your body your choice? F$#%ing hypocrites! What about the babies body? Babies choice? You think your mistake filled self revolved life is worth more than an innocent child? Every liberal mother who is on this as well, would you take your own kid out? No, then shut the hell up and stay out of it, because there is nothing more disgusting and hypocritical then an existing mother fighting for the right to kill babies! Go ahead and tell your kids you are fighting for the right for other Moms to kill their babies, and see how that works for ya!Fucktards
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