Terrie Larkins
on April 27, 2022
I'm having a great day! Hope you are too! NICE to see things changing on "some" platforms a bit 😜
Who's up for some #HumpDay fun???...I feel like giving something away!
The next five people who respond TANNER and create a new free account on my website will be in a drawing for a FREE #COLLAGEN/#HYALURONICACID #SELFTANNING FOAM and APPLICATION MIT! I'm THRILLED with this new #SelfTanner! It doesn't smell bad like most do! It doesn't transfer and stain my clothes and sheets like crazy like so many do! It's a Foam and it's so easy to apply and isn't streaky! And...HELLO?...It smooths and firms with patented absorbable Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid! BOOM! OH...Added benefit...It's reasonably priced! That's a big one for me because, as a redhead freckled gal, I use it a lot!
The first five to type TANNER or simply message the word TANNER to me and create their free account are in the free drawing! And, EVERYONE gets a $10 credit added to their account they can use whenever towards an order with me! I'll draw for the winner Sunday afternoon and ship it to the winner on Monday morning! 🥰 #NoPurchaseNecessary to win!!!
Must be 18 or older and a resident of USA or Canada to enter the drawing.
Dimension: 1080 x 1080
File Size: 92.19 Kb
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