Larry William Harris
on April 26, 2022
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Perhaps in our day and age it does not sound very important that Christ is the heir of all things. That is because we may be applying our own restricted meaning to the words "all things." We use the expression to denote the circumstances of life as they come along, easy or hard, simple or complex. But in these opening lines of the Hebrews letter the Holy Spirit is trying to give us a particular and significant meaning for the "all things" that are committed to Jesus Christ. When the words all things are used in the Bible as they are found here, they are the theological equivalent of the word "universe" as used by the philosophers. Admittedly, this is not an easy concept for us to grasp. We are not used to stretching our minds! The preachers of our generation are failing us. They are not forcing us to crank up our minds and to exercise our souls in the contemplation of God's eternal themes. Too many preachers are satisfied to dwell primarily on the escape element in Christianity. I acknowledge that the escape element is real. No one is more sure of it than I. I am going to escape a much-deserved hell because of Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave. But if we continue to emphasize that truth to the exclusion of all else, Christian believers will never fully grasp what the Scriptures are teaching us about all of the eternal purposes of God. This same observation is true also of those who are intrigued with just the social and ethical aspects of Christianity. These may be very fulfilling and engaging, but if that is where we stop, we will never comprehend the greater promises and the loftier plans of the God who loves us and who has called us.
For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
— Colossians 1:16-17
Christ is supreme over all things and precedes all things and in Him all things hold together. One day we will grasp what it all means. He is heir of all things. And Paul declares in Romans 8:17 that we are co-heirs with Christ!
How great You are, O Christ, how great You are!
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Cynthia Barrett
Thank you, I needed to hear that.
April 26, 2022