on April 25, 2022
10 years of chronic illness...
The feeling of your body being a constant battleground... this was me. This was my son. So many may wonder why I'm so passionate about holistic health and healing. This is my why....
We as a society in America are taught to believe our bodies are sometimes broken, incapable of healing. These are the cardsπŸƒ you have been dealt in this life and that's all there is to it. That pharma bandaids πŸ€• are the only option at having any possibility of gaining quality of life.
What's crazy is this almost always becomes a vicious cycle of one "bandaid" after another. All the while, instead of getting to the ROOT cause, making quality lifestyle changes, quitting bad habits, and in a lot of cases leaving your toxic environment or relationships.... it becomes a downward spiral, only making one more and more dependent on said bandaids just to make it through life... one day at a time.
To this day, I'm so thankful I never lost faith in my body, my temple. I'm so thankful I was able to make this realization in the first place! I could not imagine where my son and myself would be today, health wise, if not for being absolutely determined to heal... and for that I'm so thankful. πŸ™ŒπŸ™ I'm so full of pure JOY and ELATED to have not only survived but to also be back to a THRIVING state of living! That's saying a lot because for years I spent so much time not being able to get out of bed.... for weeks. Most foods, I was unable to consume. I was in a constant state of "fight or flight". And I will say in my lowest, I found myself relating to those who had chosen to give up on living because honestly, what's the point when you literally feel there's nothing left to live for, no quality of life? You feel like you're just waiting to die, literally. Not to mention the feeling of failing those closest to you. So many times I thought of death and leaving this world, I was in such a dark place. But I didn't. I never gave in, I never gave up! I just knew that I had to take this experience, this suffering, this pain... and turn it around to have a positive PURPOSE! To show others it can be, and is done all the time! I would not become my illness, I REFUSED to identify as my sickness. That is not who I am, that is not what I am. πŸ’ͺ After this realization I knew giving up was NOT an option.
If only people realized.... God created us perfectly. Our human design is truly magical!!! Your body is a wonderful machine capable of healing almost any dis-ease on its own, because of the way it is made, when given the right environment. When given half a chance.
It is now my mission to educate and guide others to loving, educating, and becoming their own hero in their story! To becoming the VICTOR not the VICTIM! There's so much empowerment and grace felt once this is realised and enacted upon!
We are a temple! We are magical!✨ If I can work to help others discover their magic, take back their life.... then I do not regret any suffering I went through. For now I see it is serving such a greater purpose. I have a great purpose! ❀❀❀ YOU are capable of this too! Realizing this fact is the hardest part, but I PROMISE... it is worth it!
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