Well, just when you think you know, we find out there was another Deomcrap operative in the Trump White House. Jenna Ellis. legal counsel to President Trump, has shown here true colors by offering to defend Disney in their bogus lawsuit against Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis. Ellis has been caught lying in the past about her resume, her employment record, and her experience. Several of her past colleagues have said she has limited talent and knowledge as a lawyer. Typical Democrap behavior
Could she have been a spy and a leaker in the Trump Administration? Could she be the answer to so many questions about information leaking to the press? Should John Durham call her as a witness in his investigation?
Ellis has criticized the Florida Legislator's bill that repeals the Reedy Creek Improvement Act. It is obvious that once again, Ms. Ellis, does not know the facts before she blurts out her false statements. The RCIA is only one of 6 district acts that the bill repeals. NONE of these district "carve outs" were ever designed to be permanent and all were done before the Florida State Constitution was ratified. These special exemptions have cost Florida taxpayers billions of dollars since the late 1960"s. Governor DeSantis and this Florida Legislature has shown true courage to step up and put the welfare of the citizens of Florida first by removing these special exemptions. The RCIA has given Disney an unfair advantage over its competition for 55 years. Universal Orlando, and Sea World, for example, do not enjoy the same benefits that the RCIA gives Disney. So this bill simply levels the playing field for all of Disney's competitors. THIS IS THE REASON DISNEY HATES THIS BILL. You would only know the level of influence that Disney has over Orlando and the State of Florida if you lived here like me. Disney has a small army of operatives in Tallahassee, handing out millions of illegal dollars every year to sway Florida legislators. We all know in life, Action have Consequences. Disney falsely accused Florida Legislators of defaming the queers and pedophiles it loves so much. It is hard to write that without laughing see as the very action of being queer is laughable enough. Their action angered the majority of Floridians and most legislators, including many Democrats. There is an old saying, "When you kick the hornet's nest, you should expect to get stung.
Evidently, Ms. Ellis, favors queers, pedophiles and child molesting more than she favors protecting children from the deviant Disney business practices.
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So maybe she HAS been a “leaker.?”