Love Transcends
on April 24, 2022
By: Jason Breshears
Hidden Calendar in Old Testament: Mystery of Cursed Time
“Have you then deciphered the beginning, that you ask about the end? For where the beginning is, there shall be an end . . . blessed is the man who reaches the beginning, he will know the end.”
Words of Jesus, Gospel of Thomas
A Cursed Earth period is 414 years, a timeframe easily detected through the narratives of the Old Testament. One such example begins in 2235 BC (1660 AM), four years after the Flood. Noah was drunk from the produce of his vineyard, both he and his wife Naamah lying naked. His youngest son Ham (Chem) sees this and captivated by the beauty of his own mother, lies with her. His brothers Japheth and Shem are made aware of the trespass, and in Genesis it reads that they walked backwards with a blanket to cover her so as not to view her body. They took this precaution because under patriarchal law it was a curse to see your father’s nakedness, which Levitical law explained simply means looking upon the exposed body of your father’s wife. When two sexually unite in marriage they become one flesh. The trespass was against Noah and he discovers the matter when Naamah is pregnant. She gives birth to Canaan, child of the Curse of Noah–
“Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.” (1)
Canaan’s progeny bore this curse. He became a patriarch over seven tribes that grew into the populour Canaanite nations, who against the advice of Ham, violated the Law of the Lots and took residence in a land belonging to Shem and his descendants. This land was in turn called Canaan, the allotted inheritance of the Israelites. In the year 1821 BC the Philistines stole a well belonging to Abraham, this being the 414th year of the curse of Noah. The Philistines were descendants of Ham. As retainers Abraham had among his servants the huge Anakim giants famous in Scriptures as well as many friends and allies and as Genesis 14-15 clearly reveals, he was capable of making war against Philistia. But their king, named Abimelech (royal title of Philistine kings) profusely apologized for the trespass of his shepherds, offering gifts and a peaceful settlement. This story is recorded in Genesis and the Book of Jasher. (2) To remove a boundary stone or steal a well was punishable by death and adhered to as a sort of international code of statutory ethics.
What Abimelech did not know was that his people were under a curse and that they had even established the means by which they were to suffer under it, however, this means was averted by the wise actions of King Abimelech of Philistia. The curse was not dispelled, but delayed. The Philistines were saved by wisdom, however, Abraham in that year was also afflicted by the Canaanites who also illegally occupied the land. And unfortunately for them, the curse was made firm against the whole of the cities of Canaan.
Exactly 414 years after Abimelech’s wisdom rescued his people from a judgment of God, Abraham’s descendants marched across the Jordan River at the death of Moses but led by Joshua and first destroyed the Canaanite City of Jericho, then Ai and then over a hundred others in 1407 BC (2448 AM). The Canaanites with their Amorite allies gathered to repel the Israelites in a massive host that was immediately routed and killed off by meteoric rain, earthquake, the unleashing of evil angels upon these Hamitic peoples and the continual slaughter from the blades of Israel. As Joshua directed the course of the battle for Canaan the sun stood in the sky, and the moon ceased moving for a period of about 20 hours as the Israelites routed and hunted down their Canaanite enemies. This was two Cursed Earth periods (828 years) after the Cursed of Noah. The solaric standstill will be detailed later in this book, as it related specifically to planet Phoenix. Interestingly, as their Canaanite neighbors were being eradicated, the Philistine cities along the coast were left unmolested by Israel, enjoying a temporal immunity from the curse.
This conquering by the Israelites was the Conquest of Canaan 40 years after their Exodus from Egypt in 1447 BC. One Cursed Earth period of 414 years after this was the year the very first king of Israel, Saul, became cursed by God in 1033 BC (2862 AM). This is how this story unfolds. In 1447 BC the Israelites led by Moses away from a cataclysmic-torn Egypt were passing around the domain of the Amalekites after Moses was specifically instructed by God to stay away from the region of the Philistines. Evidently they were still receiving immunity from the curse. As the train of over 1.5 million people traversed these wastes, Agag of the Amalekites had his soldiers attack the defenseless and scattered van, taking loot and prisoners he never returned. In rage, Moses cursed the Amalekites. (3)
Precisely 414 years later the Israelites were at war with the Amalekites in 1033 BC, who were of the progeny of Ham, and through the prophet Samuel, God instructed King Saul to kill them all, and to execute Agag (regal title of Amalek). But when Saul captured Agag he is taken aback by the enormity of the man, a human colossus, for Agag was a descendant of the giants. He must have been truly heroic in stature because the Scriptures clearly read that Saul himself was a head taller than the tallest among Israel. Despite knowing that Amalek was cursed by their venerable ancestor Moses, Saul refused to slay Agag, fully taken upon himself the curse. Samuel the prophet, to avert a national disaster (transference of the curse upon Israel), took up the sword and executed Agag, making the curse upon King Saul personally. (4)
The king of Israel now bearer of the curse, his reign was instantly plagued with a series of defeats in a constantly returning war against the Philistines. For 22 years the Philistines oppressed Israel, led by a military aristocracy of Giants and their offspring who had escaped Canaan in 1407 BC when the Israelites were routing the Canaanites. The Scriptures read that the Rephaim and Anakim Giants took up residence among the Philistines in 1407 BC. In the days of Saul the principle threat was the giant Goliath of Gath who had previously even stolen the Ark of the Covenant. But later the Philistines voluntarily returned the Ark to Israel after it was blamed for an extensive epidemic. After the passage of 22 years of unceasing conflicts, Saul and his son Jonathon are killed by the Philistines in 1011 BC after Saul reconfirmed his curse by not consulting God in his trouble, but the Witch of Endor. (5) It was none other than the spirit of the prophet Samuel that visited him under the divination of the witch, informing Saul of his curse.
Saul was Israel’s first king, and like their leader the people too rebelled against the ordinances of God. Among the cities of Israel were surviving remnants of the Canaanites, who were supposed to have been killed in consequence to the curse and their violation of the Law of the Lots. To learn more about these patriarchal and ancestral covenants, read King of the Giants: Mighty Hunter of World Mythology, to be released by this author. The people lost their first king, 1011 BC, and 414 years later in 597 BC the people of Israel lost all their original sacred Temple artifacts and relics when the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem and the Temple precinct. This resulted in the loss of 1000 golden cups, 29 silver censors, 1000 silver cups, 30 golden vials and 2410 silver vials and 1000 other vessels. (6) These same holy vessels are what cursed Babylon in 537 BC when King Nabonidus, son of Nebuchadnezzar II, used the holy Temple vessels in a palace banquet party (some say orgy). The Finger of God appeared and wrote MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN on the wall and the exact same night after Daniel interpreted this to mean that Babylon would fall to the Medes and Persians, the city of Babylon was taken by surprise without a fight and King Nabonidus was killed.
The Temple relics are related to the Cursed Earth system in another profound way. Again, they are associated with Babylon. And in a most startling way our history here interweaves through the tapestry of time back to Nebuchadnezzar II and his son Nabonidus. The Temple relics, artifacts and the foundation of the Temple itself were made and laid in 967 BC (2928 AM) by King Solomon, this being his 4th regnal year over Israel. (7) This is exactly 480 years after the Exodus in 1447 BC as described in Scriptural chronology. (8) King Hiram of Phoenicia provides lumber and metalworkers for he holy project. This 967 BC year began a 414 year timeline to the headling of Nebuchadnezzar II and the first regnal year of his son Nabonidus in 553 BC. Nebuchadnezzar had previously, seven y ears earlier (Temple required seven years to build) insulted the Creator and was specifically cursed by God to suffer lycanthrope, to become mentally deranged to the extent that he assumed canine and bestial characteristics, forgetting his own identity for a period of seven years. In the 414th year the king was healed of his condition. The Babylonian court officials and nobility kept the matter private and confined Nebuchadnezzar II for the designated period, having been assured by the prophet Daniel, high in the king’s court, that the condition would pass. King Nebuchadnezzar’s remarkable testimony of the God of Daniel is preserved in the Book of Daniel.
Many other examples of the Cursed Earth system abound. In the year 2291 BC the seventh Anunnaki king assumed the throne at Shurrupak before the Great Deluge, named Ubarutu. He oppressed the people, introduced unprecedented evils and his reign serves as a prophetic model of the draconic rulership of the Antichrist during the Apocalypse. The Anunnaki are cursed and have made a covenant with the Evil One. Exactly 414 years after the emergence of Ubarutu (whose reign was ended by the Flood in 2239 BC), Abraham, patriarch of many peoples entered into a covenant with God in 1877 BC. God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations and that his progeny would be as numerous as the stars of heaven. He was also informed that the beginning of the fulfillment of this promise would result in 430 years that his people would be in bondage under Egyptian authority. (9) God commanded the patriarch to travel to Egypt in this same year, thus beginning the 430 years to the deliverance of his descendants (Israel) in the Exodus led by Moses in 1447 BC.
The global diluvian disaster that ended the reign of the seventh Anunnaki king in 2239 BC began itself a 414 year period to 1825 BC. This was the y ear that Abraham had concluded his 144th month (12 years) in Egypt translating the writings upon the four faces of the Great Pyramid, which was his second trip to Egypt. Abraham was taught how to interpret the ancient Sumerian texts from before the Flood, taught by none other than the ancient Noah before he died. This subject of the pyramid’s writings is covered in Lost Scriptures. This was also the year that planet Phoenix passed through the inner system, being the year 2070 Annus Mundi (414x5). In this year Abraham was providing hundreds of scholars from around the world, detailed historical, prophetical and wisdom literature translated from the pyramid’s writings, knowledge that would later become the core foundational data spread throughout the world’s oldest scientific and religious books. This college of dissemination was ordained by God and is the reason why so many civilizations in antiquity having no contact with another, maintained the same concepts, histories, and beliefs about the future.
In 1899 BC the empire of Mesopotamia seated at Akkad and ruled by Sargon I was shattered in a devastating earthquake and lightning storm from heaven as the Dark Satellite (see Anunnaki Homeworld for orbital history) nearly collides into earth. The Akkadian ruler was almost finished with a gigantic pyramidal structure known to us as the Tower of Babel, built by the aid of Anakim giants known in traditional lore as the Titans. The people and their cultures fragmented and many whole groups migrated to distant parts of the Earth fleeing the tyranny of Sargon, I as well as seeking newer pastures to build their own cities. It was 414 years after this episode that the Ephraimites, descendants of Joseph, patriarch of the Israeli Tribe of Joseph, son of Jacob, prematurely attacked Canaan even after they were warned that it was not the allotted time. These overzealous warriors were virtually eradicated, 30,000 men of Ephraim with only 10 survivors, by none other than the Philistine army. (10) Also in this year Caleb was born, who would later be one of the 12 spies of Israel. And one of the only two who brought back a faithful report.
In 1639 BC the patriarch of Israel, Jacob, died. Before his death in Egypt, on his deathbed, he summoned Joseph and his two sons Manesseh and Ephraim. Joseph at this time was Grand Vizier of all Egypt under the Hyksos Dynasty seated at Memphis. Inspired by God in conformance with the Abrahamic Covenant, Jacob adopts Joseph’s sons as his own. These two tribes effectively become one, the 13th Tribe of Israel, Tribe of Adoption. This year was 414 years before the sun darkening of 1135 BC when the Israelite descendants of the Tribe of Dan which is later excommunicated from the family of Israel engage the Fomorii giants in ancient Ireland in the Battle of Magh-Tureadh, the Fomorii being kin to the Philistines. It was also during the reign of Nebuchadnessar I.
The amazing synchronicity of parallels and cycles continue here in a remarkable way. The 1135 BC sun darkening by the transit of Phoenix began itself a 414 year countdown to 721 BC when the Assyrian King Sargon II deported the remaining tribes of Israel, among them the descendants of Manesseh and Ephraim who would later migrate deeper into Northern Asia and Europe, Asia Minor and eventually cross the English Channel into the Pretainic Islaes (ancient Albion: Britain) and the Atlantic Ocean founding the 13 Colonies that would emerge into the United States of America. This deportation began the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, that his seed would become many mighty nations. 821 BC was two Cursed Earth periods (828 years) after Jacob’s death in 1639 BC.
The deportation of Israel (while kingdom of Judah remained intact) began in 745 BC with Assyrian king Tiglath-Pileser, known biblically as Pul. (11) This deportation was amazingly 2070 years (414x5) Anno Pyramid, or, 2070 years after the completion of the Great Pyramid in Egypt at Giza in 2815 BC (1080 AM), which is fully covered in Chronicon: Timelines of the Ancient Future. The Deportation begins the Post-Exilic Chronology, a countdown of 2520 years (360x7) to the founding of the United States of America, the Last Days Empire of Adoption in the western land of promise in 1776 AD. Amazingly, the 414th year of the Post-Exilic Chronology was 331 BC, the exact year that the Anunnaki planet NIBIRU entered the inner system from the Deep (nether region of solar system below ecliptic) at the exact same time Alexander the Great’s army from Grecia defeated the Persian forces in the Battle of Gaugamela routing King Darius and beginning western imperialism.
As previously related in our review of Phoenix Cycles were learned that in 1687 BC the sun darkened while the sons of Jacob battled the Canaanites. This event was caused by the transit of Phoenix. Counting 414 years later we arrive at 1273 BC, the start of the Assyrian Empire with the annexation of Babylon. Phoenix passed through the inner system in this year and the Assyrians adopted the Winged Disk as their Great Seal. Counting yet another 414 years we come to 859 BC. Evidence taken from Assyrian seals and palace reliefs show that the Assyrians were expecting the return of the Winged Disk (Phoenix), according to Zechariah Sitchin. (12) The Phoenix was the antediluvian sign of kingship from the days of Enoch. In this year King Shalmaneser III succeeded his father Ashurnasirpal II, who had previously captured the coastal cities of Old Tyre, Sidon and Byblos (Gebal). The famous Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III depicts a relief of the Israelite king Jehu also named in the Scriptures kneeling before the Assyrian monarch and paying tribute. Above Jehu is the Winged Disk of Phoenix.
This year of 859 BC was during the reign of the 32nd king of Cuzco in Peru. Monesinos the historian of the Andes wrote that the 32nd king of Cuzco reigned exactly 2070 years (414x5) after the start of Peruvian Reckoning. (13) This exact number, 2070, denotes a precise knowledge of the Phoenix system (15 orbits of this planet). This date is 548 years after the 1407 BC Conquest of Canaan (15th king of Cuzco), with a period of 17 kings reigning on average 32 years each. This 2070 year Peruvian timeline began in 2929 BC, exactly 20 years before the end of the reign of Enoch, who is remembered as the most famous of all chronologists. Of course, in 2929 BC planet Phoenix passed through the inner system.
With Assyria and Media so prevalent in our studies of Phoenix Cycles and Cursed Earth periods we are not astounded to uncover more alignments involving both. In 615 BC King Artaxerxes of Media began a war against the Assyrian Empire and 414 years after this war began, the Punic War between Rome and Carthage ended in 201 BC. The Carthaginians were the descendants of the Phoenicians, and both Rome and Carthage were the Mediterranean superpowers in 201 BC just as in the Middle East in 615 BC were Media and Assyria.
Just one year after the start of the Medo-Assyrian War of 615 BC, in 614 BC Median forces destroyed the Assyrian city of Ashur and the Medes forged an alliance with Babylon. And 414 years later Rome declared war and marched against King Philip IV of Macedon in their struggle to dismantle the Macedonian kingdoms. Two years into this Medo-Babylonian alliance against Assyria, the Assyrian cities of Nimrud and Nineveh were laid waste under Nebuchadnezzar II. This too began a 414 years countdown to 198 BC when Roman forces laid waste to Macedonian citadels and cities in their war against King Philip IV.
As we begin to conclude our review of the Old World through the window of Cursed Earth time, it is important that we look back to the beginning of the Cursed Earth system which began in 3895 BC with man’s banishment from paradise. The 2070th year of the Annus Mundi timeline ended 414 years after the Great Flood in 2239 BC, or 1825 BC, which was the year Abraham was translating the Giza Texts from off the surfaces of the Great Pyramid. While this may appear innocuous, there is a much deeper relation between these two events separated by the span of 2070 years (414x5). This startling connection concerns the Word of God. In 3895 BC (Year One AM) mankind was ousted from Eden because he allowed a translator (serpent) to explain to him the Word of God (Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), rather than accepting it obediently. Humanity then discerned that there was a difference between good and evil and this revelation caused people to doubt themselves and condemn everything they had formerly enjoyed, actions previously sanctioned by God because mankind was faultless. Mankind was cursed. Cut off from the Word, men wandered the earth, multiplied, built their cities and civilizations and refused to listen to those prophets and priests (the interpreters man chose) that warned them of the coming global destruction of humanity and earth itself (the Flood). Now, 414 years after this cataclysm, humanity had rebounded and was multiplying rapidly. News spread abroad of the discovered monument from before the Flood that exhibited the original writings of the Word of God, found half buried in the sands of Egypt. This was the Great Pyramid of Giza, which had remained beneath the waters of the Mediterranean along with the entire Delta region of Egypt’s coast for 340 years after the Flood until 1899 BC. A massive quake shoved this area upward which is why Egypt was referred to at this time as The Raised Land. Mounds of sand and seashells were removed and sages and scholars from as far as India traveled to Egypt to hear the prophet and scribe Abraham (later to be remembered as Brahma) read his translations to the Word of God found on the casing blocks of the gigantic pyramid. These translations became the core source materials for the oldest religious and mythical texts in the world. It was in 1825 BC, Abraham’s 12th year translating these immense writings, that men yielded to the Word of God, exactly 2070 years after man first succumbed to the words of an evil being that deceived him. Lost Scriptures of Giza serves to cover all of this history.
The period of 2070 years (414x5) is 207x10 years, not merely a mathematical fact but an astronomical one. As 207 years is half of a 414 year Cursed Earth period, we are confronted with an intriguing fact: in 2446 BC (1449 AM) a five-planet alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn formed a ladder in the sky as recorded by Chinese astronomers. (14) This planetary alignment was 207 years before the Deluge in 2239 BC (1656 AM). The Deluge ended an epoch, the Antediluvian World, and the year was the synchronization between the Phoenix Cycle and Cursed Earth systems, for this year was 552x3 and 414x4. But 207 years here at this time infers that the pattern is incomplete. And this is indeed the case. Though this is not the subject matter of this work, this author has written extensively on the PreAdamic World and its destruction in the year 309 BC in his Descent of the Seven Kings and huge tome entitled Chronicon. The ruination of the PreAdamic World actually begins the Cursed Earth Chronology, and as we will find toward the end of this work, is a calendar intimately connected to the Great Pyramid’s Giza Course Countdown calendar that sequentially counts down Earth’s final 204 years until the return of the Chief Cornerstone in the year 6000 (2106 AM). This PreAdamic catastrophe happened precisely 414 years before mankind was banished from Paradise [walled enclosue] , which began the 6000 years of his exile, or separation from the Godhead to 2106 CE.
Within the context of these historical timelines is unveiled the secret to the orbital length of a planet Phoenix. The great 552 year Phoenix Cycles began with the Curse of man in 3895 BC when he was ousted from Eden, but the 414 year Cursed Earth timeline is more ancient, not starting in 3895 BC (Year One AM), but 414 years before in 4309 BC with the end of PreAdamic Earth, or pre-poleshift history.
414 years is 138 x 3, or three Phoenix periods. It is imperative that the reader recall this fact later in this study–that the Phoenix Cycle system is specifically prefixed with a 414 year Cursed Earth period . . . for the end always lies in the beginning. Our review of the Old World finished, let us soon peer into more contemporary times.
1. Genesis 9:25-27
2. Genesis 21:22-34, Jasher 22:1-10
3. Exodus 17:8-16
4. Exodus 17:14-16, 1 Sam. 17:8-9, 32-33
5. 1 Samuel 28:7, 31:6
6. 2 Esdras 2:13, 2 Kings 24:13
7. 1 Kings 6:1
8. 1 Kings 6:1, 37-38
9. Genesis 15, Book of Jasher 13:17-19
10. Jasher LXXV 1-18, Joshua 14:7, 1 Chronicles 7:20-22
11. Secrets of Time 207
12. End of Days 200-201
13. The Lost Realms: The Day the Sun Stood Still
14. The Great Pyramids: Its Divine Message 323-326 A. Tables XVII-XIX
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