Jason wallace
on April 23, 2022
Hi everyone
New here. No I don't live under a rock I live in a truck 5 week's at a time. Cost to cost
Thanks for the share.
PS I have no time for Felters
1. Joe Biden is a lieing pice of shit
2.Guys how cut there dicks and call themselves a women are still just a guy in drag.
3. Children need to learn how to read,wright and arithmetic and that's it.
(Most teacher's are to stupid to teach that ) point. New math
? What kind of dum shit thought that crap up....a dum ass teacher case and point.
4.i hope I never run in a mob of people and I hope and pray that there smart enough to just go on. If thay try to bord or start throwing debris my way.
Well I drive a 80,000 lbs truck and I will be going home to see my wife and kids
In the words of a great man
This world is hard
It's even harder if your stupid
John Wayne
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April 23, 2022