Those of you who've grown up on a farm or ranch KNOW how mean a rat can get when they're cornered. Actually, it doesn't just pertain to rats, either. That's what's causing a LOT of the angst today in our society. There's leaders, followers, and the "get out of the way" types. The latter two stir up and instigate most troubles because their "daddy" government tells them to in conjunction with MSM. Leaders think for themselves, and don't take charge, their title is bestowed upon them by others. They're reticent to act contrary to established laws and values. They hate control and manipulation. They don't succeed by authoritarianism or oppression. They know the concept of success by helping a lot of other people succeed first. When some supercilious moron tries to corner them, they respond like any cornered animal. A cornered leader will put up more of a fight than a ticked off honey badger. In order for tyrants to succeed, they must eliminate leaders. In order to conquer leaders, they've got a full bag of tricks, including paid ne-er do-wells. They depend on mob rule, and know they're cowards by themselves. Censorship, "cancellation", and social media trolling are normal for them, because they can ply their trades safely ensconced in their basements. They never bother to learn they're on a fool's errand, though. Even IF they did accomplish their goals, they lose. Without leaders, society will fail. THEIR "leaders" are incapable of running a society, keeping the machinery going, and helping others to succeed. Their indoctrination has only appealed to their own narcissism, which won't serve their masters when the job's done. They, in turn, become the fodder by necessity to fuel their master's egos. The vicious circle. Why does anyone need multiple houses and scads of vehicles? Thank God I don't know. Next time you get mad, just consider you've been cornered, and be thankful you're mad. You're a leader. Complacency would only prove you're one of those soulless morons.
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