Both were selected because they are today’s administration tokens. Camel-a became the worst VP in our history because Biden, the fraud, stated that his VP will be a woman! This one, was it because Obama TOLD Biden she is it (Obama and Camel-a are long time friends). The other one, who should be in traffic court and not on the SCOTUS, is there because Biden states the next Justice WILL be a black woman. They retired a white man to install this one in. Her judicial record is puss poor. 90% of her rulings were overturned. She is forgiving of sex offenders and doesn’t know what is a woman! Welcome to Biden’s racist America!
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Donald M Lyng
That’s because none of them are worth hiring.
Every black female mayor is a fucking criminal.
Harris is an unqualified eo political stunt pick.
Jackson is a political stunt pick BY A PEDOPHILE to help PROTECT PEDOPHILES. Abrams is a fat fuck criminal scumbag. The BLM Cunts are all criminals.
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