Paul W Primavera
on April 13, 2022
The following text is from the notes in one of my many study Bibles. Learning new things like this is why I have made such investment in some very expensive study Bibles and Commentaries.
Etymology of Technology
Technology and the Christian worldview are mutually intertwined. Technology is a word that comes from the Greek term tekne, meaning "art" or "craft" and the word logos, meaning "word" or "pattern." In its oldest form the ancient Greek word technologia meant the systematic treatment of grammar, but then it evolved to mean the study of the mechanical arts and sciences. Now, in standard usage it generally means the newest inventions themselves. Interestingly, the Sanskrit word that later gave rise to the Indo-European word tekne originally meant "carpenter" In Greek we see that Jesus Christ is referred to in Scripture as a tekton, which shares this root. Christ is also referred to as the Word, or logos, in John 1:1. Thus, it is not insignificant that the primordial linguistic pattern of all our modern technology is deeply entwined with our earliest understandings of Jesus Christ as Builder, as Craftsman, as divine Word, and as Creator. In this sense we can see how all our technologies are but attempts at righting the world since it went wrong at the fall. But we should also pay attention to how much our technologies can unintentionally keep us distant, separated, and indifferent to one another.
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