Tony Laird
on April 13, 2022
So I caught a cold over the weekend, and some family members are already hinting around that they don't want me at Easter Dinner. This is the same family that during the throws of the Pandemic, in Dec. 2020, Christmas Eve to be exact, they were yukking it up about the ridiculousness of the lockdowns, restrictions, testing, masking, etc. And I shared their sentiments. Some even came to dinner knowing they were sick, and ending up sharing Covid with some other guests. No one got terribly ill, and I didn't really care, because I never considered it to be a great threat, and I had previously been infected. Now, not even two years later, it seems many in the family have swallowed too much of Fauci's Kool-Aid. And are treating me like a walking Petri Dish. I have the common sense to know that if I am still sick by Easter Sunday, I wouldn't attend. But it's the insinuation that I am reckless, stupid, and insensitive that irks me. I will not participate in this lunacy, and I can't believe that my family, who I thought was above this behavior and indoctrination, has fallen for the ruse. How disappointing.
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Joseph Moncrief
People are easily manipulated through fright. It's like they think they won't die.
April 14, 2022
Jamie Paluck
I feel your pain..
April 14, 2022
Sharon Reiff
Chew nicotine gum. Supposedly works as an antagonist. Should feel better in 24-48 hours! And, by all means, attend Easter celebration with your family!!!
April 15, 2022