The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on April 12, 2022
     My husband and I, both considered senior citizens, have been married over 30 years.  We are a case where differences caused attraction!  To this day, if either of us wants to have a "lively" discussion just bring up Title 9.
     His opinion is that Title 9 is a federal overreach that should never have been enacted.  Yes, he does believe in equal rights but not preferential treatment.  My opinion is more nuanced!  At the time (mid 1970s) women were actually fighting for EQUAL treatment in every aspect of life!  We wanted equal pay and equal recognition for work.
I believe that at the time, Title 9 was necessary in order to obtain funding for women's athletics. A lot of us enjoyed sports, be it baseball, basketball, water polo etc.  No we didn't envision going "pro" but we just wanted to play.  Until Title 9, for the most part, that wasn't an option.
      Now, the government has managed to so distort the purpose of Title 9 that it has become a weapon to be used against women.  My cynical view is mediocre male athletes decide to claim to be women in order to "win" titles! Yes children there are physical differences between men and women!  Duh....thought you learned that in elementary school!
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