"CASTLE ROCK"The Event to go down on Biden.Everyone blames Biden.Military Overturns the Election.King Trump saves the day. Hero.The King steps aside The opposition charges the King's Position. A Major Event Goes Down.[FAKE] Global War Scenario Activating All Militaries WorldWide.In Real Life.The Police & Court System rule the land. NESARA/GESARA comes in.All Judges, Police & Lawyers must stand down WORLDWIDE. The corrupt ones arrested. The others Retrained in Constitutional 1776 Law.Back to the Chess Board.By activating a World War scenarioThe Kings Men (Military) go from being Pawns & Bishops(Below) the Police to becoming Kings & Queens. (Above) They then Mop Up the other team FlawlessPlanet Earth Liberated.1776"When Q said "Do Anons Know What Is About To Be Unleashed" This Exactly^^All those Dog Comms
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