So many commercials (and the news) are demanding we give money and food for those in need. I am so torn! It is disgusting that people in this country can't afford food. I also question how so many are in need. Let me share a story about my life. 20 years ago we (husband, young son, 2 dogs and myself) lived on our sailboat. My husband worked around the marina, some weeks were very light on income. I can remember borrowing the marina Manager's truck and driving into town to buy groceries for a week with $25 in my pocket. Actually, it was $20 as we ALWAYS put $5 of gas in the truck (yes, fuel was cheaper). Let me tell you how I shopped : I studied the grocery ads, bread came from the day old store, many canned goods came from the dollar stores, fresh fruits and vegetables from the produce stand. The grocery store provided meat (what is on super sale) and dog food. You know what? Quick eats were not in the budget, we had meat or fish everyday along with vegetables etc. It was a well balanced diet. No we may not have had all the extras but I baked cookies, crackers, cakes etc every week! What we NEVER did was go to a food pantry or get an EBT card. In those days we also maintained at least a week of backup food. Our decisions allowed us to stand on our own feet. I know that others may not have the flexibility we had, others must have the extra help. Just spend the time to figure out your priorities. What is important for you? Research, speak up, take a stand and prepare!
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Patricia Fondren
Remember those days. Not living on sail boat, but making ends meet on what would be ‘a drop in the bucket’ this day and time for my husband, 2 children and self. We could have asked for help and probably gotten it if an emergency happened but never did !!! We found ways to make our ends meet, pay wh... View More