Wow, I know I am old! Yesterday afternoon I read a quote released by a publicly traded "private" company, Twitter. "Policy decisions are not determined by the board or shareholders....." Funny, I was taught that shareholders owned the company, elected board of directors to MAKE policy and establish a management team that reflected those policies. No where was I taught that the employees were in charge, nor any outside entity. This statement really reflects the sentiments of so much of society today. "They" believe that they are accountable to NO ONE. I assume you have heard the phrase " go woke, go broke". It is time to use your power, dump services you can no longer abide. Don't spend money on products produced by the companies. If you own stock you have several courses of action, vote to oust the board of directors who have permitted these actions (they can still fire the management team), dump your stock and watch the stock value plummet, come up with the grounds for a class action suit etc. Keep researching, take a stand and speak up, prepare!
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