Larry William Harris
on April 6, 2022
Christ the Only Way
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God’s concept and instructions are very plain. There has been a moral breach. Sinning man has violated the laws of God. In other words, man is a moral criminal before the bar of God. It is clear from the Bible that a sinful man or woman cannot return to God’s favor and fellowship until justice is satisfied, until the breach is healed. In an effort to heal the breach, man has used many subtleties and rationalizations. But if he rejects the cross of Christ, if he rejects God’s plan of salvation, if he rejects Christ’s death and resurrection as the basis for atonement, there is no remaining ground for redemption. Reconciliation is an impossibility. It is a part of my calling and responsibility in the ministry to warn men and women that rejection of the atoning work of Jesus Christ is fatal to the soul. With such rejection, the efforts of the Savior and His intercession as great High Priest have no meaning.
Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'
— John 14:6
Christ is the way, the only way to the Father. Only Christ has made atonement for our sin and as the risen one only He represents us at the Father's right hand. Our religious tolerance can never change the fact that Christ is the
O Christ, may I lovingly and respectfully present You to people around me as the only way.
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