on April 3, 2022
So the former head of US intelligence admits to helping cover up a story about a Presidential candidate son's laptop that could possibly be tied back to the candidate and laughs about it. He thinks it is funny that he helped sway an election. A year and a half after the election, the Mainstream media finally admits that the laptop story is true after continously calling it Russian disinformation. Joe Biden and other Biden administration members also repeated the Russian disinformation lie. The FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop back in 2019 and were investigating him. Now the laptop hard drive has been introduced as evidence into Congress. If one voter out of every 100 Biden voters would have changed their vote after hearing the truth about what is on the laptop, we may have had a different election. Withholding information from the voters is not benefitting the voters or the country. One of our greatest rights as Americans is the right to vote and elect the people who represent "the People." The people have the right to hear all the information, make a sound decision, and feel good about your vote. How can you feel good about your vote when they hide information about the candidate?
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