Frank Hagen
on April 2, 2022
Sadly, many will overlook their opportunity to seek Christ, and how to please him, only to find out the "god of education" taught them to believe anything they were told and do anything they were told, and were deceived. Then it will be too late. They should have heard and obeyed what the "Spirit saith unto the churches" and not allow a denomination, the Vatican, a popular preacher, the lifestyle of the nation, their own pride, or a love for this world and evil, to cause them to trade eternity for any of it.
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Frank Hagen
This nation has fallen whether people want to believe it or not. The liberal woke agenda has prepared a generation of slaves who will do whatever they are told.
April 2, 2022
Frank Hagen
The Lord has shown some of his people that America's time to repent was the last election. This nation has been turned over to Satan and there is nothing anyone can do but trust the Lord, seek to please him, and prepare to defend family, neighbors and friends before meeting him sooner than they expe... View More
April 2, 2022