The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on April 1, 2022
Hey everybody - Happy April Fool's Day.  Unfortunately, nothing I looked into yesterday afternoon was a joke!  Truly wish it had been!
Have you seen the report that Meta and Apple turned over personal data (name, address,phone number and IP address) to hackers posing as law enforcement.  Most reports are saying the hackers were probably high school students in US and Europe.  My initial reaction was wow, they managed to fake subpoenas and warrants. I was wrong, they used "emergency data requests".  These are basically requests used by local, state and federal law enforcement to obtain content and information from any business using technology.  Law enforcement says it is an emergency and don't take the time to get subpoenas. What exactly constitutes an emergency?
I wish I could tell you that if you sever ties to the internet you will regain your privacy.  Will not work.Your business, any stores you shop at, your bank, doctor, school, local, county, state and federal government's are all using computers and the internet!  The surveillance dominates almost every facet of your life whether you like it or not!
It isn't all gloom and doom.  Research,speak up, shed light in the dark corners and prepare!
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