Roger Foust
on April 1, 2022
It is no surprise that Disney transformed itself from a family centered entertainment company to deviant evil organization selling sexual perversion to young children. Since the forced outage of then CEO Michael Eisner in 2005, Walt Disney's vision for the company has been thrown into the trash and replaced by a queer led revolution toward decadence. NONE of the people in leadership since 2005, have had any positive contribution to the original vision of Walt Disney.
Walt's vision was to have a place where families would enjoy themselves together, in a wholesome environment. He and his brother Roy O. Disney together built this vision into an empire. However in 2005, EVIL DARKENED THE EMPIRE"S DOOR.
Bob Iger was elected to replace Eisner as leader of the empire and at that instant, Darth Vader took over the kingdom. The profits may have increased but it was at the expense of the families that funded the empire. Money poured in, kicked the wholesomeness out and replaced it with deviancy and sexual perversion. The keys to the empire were handed to the queer nation and they quickly took advantage of the situation. They were GIVEN high level management positions. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is a queer woman. Almost half of the Board of Directors is queer. It is just a matter of time before Chapek is ousted and replaced by a queer.
Disney World has long held sway in Orlando however they stuck their nose into state politics where it did not belong. Now Governor DeSantis is considering removing the special privileges Disney had enjoyed since 1964. My take on it is, If they want to act like a political action corporation, they should be treated like one.
But we should not be surprised about Disney's recent change in operations. As stated earlier the company is managed and run by queers. Queers are unstable and insecure people by nature. if you will remember, 30 years ago, they said they just wanted to be recognized. Then that was not enough, so they then wanted to be treated equally. Then that became not enough, they wanted to be seen as superior. Now even superior is not enough, they want to dominate. Of course they di not earn any of this, they threatened politicians in to giving it to them. THE ORIGIN OF ALL OF THIS WOKE BULLSHIT CAN BE DIRECTLY TRACED BY TO THE QUEERS!
To me this is the hill upon where straight people make their fight! We must destroy Disney in order to rebuild it. We will fight with our wallets and force them out of business.
We are sitting around and watching the most deviant and decadent heathens on earth take all of our institutions form us. 10% of the population is attempting to dominate the remaining 90% of straight, normal humans. If we do not fight back soon, YOUR CHILDREN will be come sexual victims to these human abominations.
Remember Adolph Hitler said this; "He alone who owns the youth, gains the future". They are after your children, only YOU can stop them.
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