The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on March 30, 2022
In the late 1970's I was required to take a computer programing course in order to obtain my degree.  At the time it was considered cutting edge, the dawn of a new era. In the late 1980's my husband and I connected to the rudimentary internet for our business.  In the early 2000's I had others asking for my help to connect and navigate the internet.  Then I walked away for a number of years.  We sold our computer and the "smart" phone was just a concept.  In 2009 life changed again and we found the need to be connected.  As we were living on a boat and full-time caregivers for Jim's Dad it was easier to purchase on line and have shipped.  We had security and were able to get a broader view of the world.
We did not grow up in a world controlled by computers and on-line communities.  Communities were local and personal.  Sure we knew people across the country and around the world.  We were able to discuss "happenings" without the fear of blackballing and censorship.  No we didn't always agree but our opinions were valued, we as individuals were valued!
The insidious creep of money and power have tried to take over many of the on-line communities including YouTube and Facebook.  Monetizing of your information has become the norm.  Governments around the world took notice of the widening power and are continuing to find ways to control the narrative!
The censorship has become overbearing in formally "free" societies; i.e. Canada and Australia.  The idea of censorship has also taken firm hold in our country.  When web browsers control access to news sites, we have a problem.  When "community standards" are changed to reflect only one viewpoint, we have a problem. Our government seems to be supporting all of the censorship!
We need to remember history - Lincoln did the same thing during the Civil War for the "good of the Union".
You are thinking "what can I do"?  TAKE A STAND!!!  Join, it is a great social media site.  The founder, Jason Sheppard truly believes in maintaining free speech for everyone!  Guess what, you don't have to agree with what someone else posts!  Wimkin is a community of adults who have diverse opinions.
I know many of my friends are deeply entrenched in Facebook. They have all of their photos of children and grandchildren growing up, of parents and other loved ones who have died.  They know how to navigate and like many of us, are not totally immersed in internet literacy.  However, for me, I spend far less time on Facebook.  My choice is Wimkin where I can speak freely and not be lost in an echo chamber!
Today, in some ways, is my Declaration of Independence! I still do not like big tech.  I find it intrusive.  I have never appreciated being told how to act/react, what to do or how to think.  Keep researching, take a stand, speak up and prepare.  See you on!
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