Roger Foust
on March 29, 2022
Morning Folks. Well as you have heard me say before there will be a final nail in America's coffin and sadly I am right. Yesterday, Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund and leaders around the world voted to begin the process that will remove the dollar as the world currency and install a world digital currency.
This world digital currency will issue everyone "credit card" sized piece of plastic that will have ALL of you information on it. Part of the information will include you ESG score. What is ESG? ESG is an acronym for Environmental, Social & Governance.
It was created by the chinese as a control mechanism to monitor and dictate everything from spending to travel. For example in the environmental criteria, they will calculate your past energy usage. If they deem you use too much, you will be rationed to a lesser amount. In the social criteria, if you currently shop at a conservative business, your card will no longer work at that business. The Governance criteria is a set of rules that will determine how much spending power your card has each month. Once you reach the limit THEY have preset for you, you will have to wait until the card is reset each month. In addition, your dollar will not be accepted at any business. Your wealth, or lack thereof, will be determined by the elite. Don't play the game, you will have no home, you will be prevented for purchasing food, you will not be able to ride public transportation, and YOU WILL HAVE NO WAY OF MAKING MONEY!
Businesses currently have an ESG score and their score will be partly calculated by the collective score of their employees. If you do not have a good ESG score, You will not get hired.
If you have money invested in a brokerage, they have been using ESG as the primary investment criteria for over two years. In other words YOUR money is being invested ONLY IN COMPANIES THAT HAVE A FAVORABLE ESG SCORE. Whether that company is profitable or not is no longer a consideration for the manager of your money. WHY? Because their ESG score is dependent upon the score of the companies they invest in. Your money is no longer used to increase your wealth, but to increase your ESG score.
This process is what Joe Biden was referring to when last week he said that a New World Order was coming.
It has been stated that this process will start within the next 30 days with an expected time frame of completion estimated to be 12-24 months.
God please save America from the evil that is overcoming us.
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