The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on March 26, 2022
This morning I caught the headlines and changed the channel. "Touched by an Angel" had just started. It was the introduction for the "Promised Land" series.  I recommend you try to watch and really listen!
A character asked the question, "what is the difference between the United States and America"?  The answer was wonderful!  Boiled down the answer was that America is what is left after paying taxes, going to work, paying your bills.  It is about being a neighbor, helping others, doing good.  So often, we have gone down the path that the American Dream is all about earning more money, having more possessions, having more power, the bigger house, the newest car. Is it really?  That never has been my definition.  Looking back, I realize that we have lived an unconventional life.  We traveled around the country when our son was younger.  We always had food on the table and a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs.  We helped others when the opportunity arose. This was our American Dream.
Freedom is the basis of my life.  No one, including the government, has the right to demand conformity!  I live in a world of color and will for the rest of my days.  The dystopian society being pushed on us is so gray, bleak,  and dreary.  Do your own research, define your dream, speak up and prepare.
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