We are seeing(witnessing) the so called elites whom many that are called such are politicians and some even of the universal religion clergy who instead of being servants thrive on being served and serving themselves to whatever corrupt desire & keeping power & control of the people by being in control of natural resources and merchandise of all kinds people use daily. We have our own natural resources in America and yet the resources are being plugged up or restricted from use as God put those resources in the earth to be used by the people. Yet those in servant positions purposely use the withholding of use as a taskmaster to break the will free will & dominion God gave every human being both male & female on this earth. If you are curious I encourage whoever reads this to go to the book of Genesis and find & read what the enemies of Abraham did after he died & Isaac & Ishmael buried their father abram(Abraham). Those wells are a picture type & shadow of resources to keep & sustain life for not just human beings but for animal kind also. But, continue reading and see what God did towards Isaac in Genesis 25 & 26 chapters. To God be all the glory, honor & praise and may we strive to walk by faith & not by sight each day remembering the finished work of the cross of Christ Yeshua messiah our Lord Amen โ๏ธ๐ฉธ๐
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