Lost in the shuffle of the Ukraine farce, is the fact that governments across the entire world have removed their Covid restrictions. AND NOT A FUCKING ONE OF THEM HAS APOLOGIZED!
No apology for ruining millions of small businesses while the big box stores became mega-rich.
No apology for millions of people supposedly dying from a non-existent disease.
No apology for millions of deaths in which their families could not be by their side or even go to the funeral.
No apology for forcing millions of people into financial hardship by telling them they could not work.
No apology for damaging the development of millions of children, in the name of control.
No apology for the poisoning of millions of people with experimental drugs.
No apology for driving America into bankruptcy by overreacting to a fake disease.
And yet, I HEAR ALMOST NO ONE OR NOTHING ABOUT IT! We are letting the largest genocide attack on the human race just disappear because of a fake war on the other side of the world. Yes I know some people are dying, buy multi-millions died from a fake disease, that was falsely hyped by the media and world governments. AND WE ARE LETTING ALL OF THEM SKATE AWAY FREE OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING!
The people of earth just got their first exposure to what life will be like with a One World Government Order. What the fuck is wrong with us that we are just going to turn the other cheek and not punish those responsible for one of the largest mass murders in world history. We call Hitler an animal for killing 6,000,000 Jewish people. We this world cabal has killed over 6 million and there is hardly a word spoken about it. I wrote the document "Food For Thought over a year ago, but the questions are still relevant today.
I find it very difficult to express my anger for these murdering heathens, and my disappointment in my fellow humans for just walking away from it like it never happened.
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