The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on March 11, 2022
We all need to give ourselves permission to smile!  I'm not talking about the feel good stories at the end of the newscast, either!
Last night, we were listening to an eclectic selection of music, spirituals, classical, old country, rock, Broadway, and new country.  We started to smile then giggle then laugh as the flood of memories bubbled up!  Like when we were building our log cabin in the Ozarks, we would start to sing a song but quickly it turned into humming as we could only remember the first couple of lines.  The time when our son was 6 and wanted to sing Karaoke choosing Row,  Row, Row Your Boat because he knew the words. Or maybe the night when I totalled our van at our ranch, I managed to climb out, started walking back singing Onward Christian Soldiers at the top of my lungs to scare off the mountain lions, coyotes and any other wild critters lurking in the area. 
Life can always throw your a curve, what are you going to do about it?  Remember all the lessons you have already learned, speak up and prepare!
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