The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on March 10, 2022
Somewhere along the way, the trust has been broken.  We have allowed politics to overwhelm responsibility. Somehow, we have lost the sense of purpose, of unity, our moral compass.
Take a look at our criminal justice system.   It is amazing to me that a big city mayor forced to resign in disgrace, pleads guilty to bribery charges (and illegal voting), is sentenced to 44 months in federal prison, finishes his sentence and is now running for another public office.  When asked how voters can trust him again his basic response is that he will always have someone with him in meetings!
Is this any different than what occurs on the county, state and federal levels?  I truly believe that many career politicians have and do accept bribes, they just haven't been caught.  It is past time that we figure out a way to take the money and prestige out of elected office and replace it with the responsibility the offices demand. Political parties are a bane - consider them gangs not much different than MS13.  It is time to really study the people running for office, not just the glossy campaign propaganda.  Remember you have a responsibility to study, learn, speak up and prepare!
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