A refresher on how your Birthright was stolen through fraud deceit and deception whether you choose to correct it or not falls upon you.YOU ARE CHATTEL... ?"Chattel is movable personal property that is movable. Chattel can be either animate or inanimate property and can be borrowed against using a chattel mortgage."Your parents (pair-rents) pledged you to the State as chattel by applying for a birth certificate. Under this Satanic Papal system your birth certificate is your equitable title of use for yourself and evidence of your indentured slavery as security for State debt, past, present and future.At the hospital you were converted into a maritime product and salvaged. Your mother informed on you by giving you a name and that was recorded and a title of ownership drawn up and verified by the mother, being the manufacturer of you, the maritime vessel birthed at the dock-tor.This is the LIVE BIRTH RECORD. In effect a Manufacturers Statement of Origin. The title of ownership. Held not by you but by the State.Legally, you were abandoned to the State and the estate of the minor held in a Cestui Que trust waiting for the owner to claim it at the age of majority.Which is of course a FRAUD.And anything that arises from a fraud is null and void.But unless it is pointed out and corrected then the presumption remains in tact as fact under Roman Corpus Juris. All present fiat currency, or legal tender, is debt money, and we are the chattel securities for all debt money "loans" made by Vatican banking mafia houses to the bankrupted States operated under administration by political parties subservient to the UNITED NATIONS trading company of the Papacy.In short, the Vatican owns you and they worship LUCIFER... so yeah I guess you could say that we are slaves to Lucifer and his sick soul trap game (THE MATRIX) on a debased Earth template cut off from the true Universe and the Creator."The truth shall set you free."This is spiritual warfare played out on a 3D plane of illusion. Unless you know you are in a game, and unless you know the rules of that game, you can never hope to beat the game. You are not a human, you are a soul, trapped in tiny CELLs, reading word magic SENTENCEs that may be SPELLt correctly but are designed to keep you ensnared from MOURNING to night each time you WAKE, like the trail of a ship lost on the unHoly Sea of the Paper See, all through the weak daze until the weak end operating your legal ID-ENTITY (Entity of Id), the false ego self, chasing the dream, inside a dream, trying to awaken and re-member yourself with the Divine.
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