The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on March 9, 2022
Each day I am reminded how out of touch those in Washington are with an average American (and reality).
The President is claiming that the administration's energy policies have nothing to do with rising prices, the Vice-President is blaming... .Pick a day for the latest, the Secretary of Transportation is telling the people to just go buy an electric vehicle.
What Utopia do the "green energy" advocates see?  Spend some time and think about it.  It is mind boggling, they don't seem to have a step-by-step workable plan to achieve Utopia.  They demand we switch to electric power BUT are you hearing about more blackouts coming this summer?  I am not just referring to California, other states are also getting warnings.  Lack of employees and supply chain issues are being blamed once again.
I am not a stupid woman.  Oh oops, maybe I am, as I was exposed to the fumes from leaded fuel as a child... Keep researching, dig for answers, question, speak up and prepare!
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Fredrick Rice
The great reset needs to be back to reality!
March 11, 2022