Heather Turano
on September 24, 2020
Some people are becoming concerned about a C*vid vaccine. Yes one may be created but it doesn't mean you have to take it. And not for nothing, its more than just this vaccine, it's EVERY SINGLE VACCINE that is offered today has NEVER been safety tested. They ALL contain NEUROTOXINS and MANY of them HUMAN ABORTED FETAL TISSUE DNA from MALE and FEMALE, you don't know what you're getting, and ANIMAL DNA. It is ABSOLUTELY messing up our genetics. Many say there's not enough proof and I say there is PLENTY, you just have to go looking for it. The CDC is fraudulent. You have to dig deep..
An awesome woman named Ashley put a huge chunk of information together in a binder that I purchased over year ago. This has a lot of great information in regards to vaccines on the market today.
As far as I'm concerned there will NEVER be a safe vaccine. I TRUST God/Universe. We were created perfect and humans came in trying to act as God screwed up our health. Our natural immune system is all we need to support in order to stay healthy.
Thank you Ashley Everly for creating this awesome information all in one location!
Thank you Jess Hutch for making these binders come to life!
What's in the binder??
Here is the link created to order the binder?
Here is the PDF version?
Dimension: 1080 x 1802
File Size: 133.12 Kb
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