The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on March 5, 2022
Folks, it is a crying shame that the warmongers are on the loose again!  I was born during the era of the cold war.  My entire life has been spent hearing how terrible the Soviet Union/ Russia could be.  When I was young it was due to the communist regime, then it became an authoritarian regime.
Neither you nor I nor any "expert" truly knows why Putin is invading Ukraine.  In my opinion, it is wrong regardless of his reasoning!  My heart goes out to the Ukrainian citizens having to flee.  My heart does NOT extend to getting our military (either overtly nor covertly) involved in this latest European mess!
We have an administration searching for an international focus for it's failing policies!  Rising energy prices, Russia!
Rising food prices. Russia!  Inflation, Russia!  Increasing illegal immigration and refugees, Russia!  See how all of this comes back to failing policies.  Enough!  Study! Speak up!  Prepare!
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