Michael Jason Alexander
on March 4, 2022
Probably not going to make a lot of friends with this post… might even get banned permanently… but fekkum-all if they can't handle the truth.
This war in Ukraine? We started it. By "we," I mean the US government. We wanted this war and we got it. Again, when I say "we," I'm referring to the government currently headed by the man who Congress declared to be the president back on January 6th of 2021.
Does anyone remember what the lead stories were in the media just a mere 2½ months ago, just before Christmas? It was all about Fauci and COVID, the supply chain problems, millions of illegal aliens pouring across our southern border, hyper-inflation and the rising price of gas… and food… and cars. And to cap it off, there was the non-stop, 24/7 drum beat of Biden's sinking poll numbers.
Remember now?
And what were the talking heads saying was the root cause of all of these crises? COVID. Oh, all except for the open border issue… that was "because Trump."
Well… there were a few other things that were happening in December. First, our government sent word to the president of Ukraine that if they wanted to join NATO, we would support them.
No big deal, right? Except that Vladimir Putin had been warning Ukraine not to join NATO since the fall of the Soviet Union because he didn't want nuclear-tipped missiles on his western border. Pretty much the exact same attitude that we had back in the early 60s when Russia tried to put nukes in Cuba. Remember how we reacted? If you're under 60 and went to a government-funded public school, your ignorance is understandable. Google it.
Also in December, our CIA "leaked" intelligence to China that Ukraine was considering joining NATO. China immediately notified Russia. Shocked, anyone?
Not two weeks later, news reports started to surface about the buildup of Russian troops along the eastern border of Ukraine. Curiously, this wasn't really "news" since Russia had previously announced, as do all super powers, that it would be conducting war games in that very region, sort of a heads-up so that no one with their finger on the red "LAUNCH" button would get the wrong idea and freak out.
Then about two weeks after that, we started seeing daily video clips of the man who Congress declared to be the president back on January 6th of 2021 stepping up to any available podium to announce in increasingly solemn tones that US intelligence agencies were convinced that Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine.
Then it was multiple times a day… on all networks.
Not only were we assaulted with these dire warnings, but they were also punctuated with assurances - clearly meant for the Russian generals - that even though there was going to be a war ANY DAY NOW, that the United States would not be sending troops to fight to defend Ukraine. Never, ever. No worries, Vlad. You just go ahead and do your thing.
So, as our media began cheerleading the brave, Ukrainian soldiers and gun-toting civilian patriots who were preparing to defend their country against an invasion that was going to happen ANY MOMENT NOW, behind the scenes our diplomats were jawboning our NATO allies to start shipping arms, ammunition and supplies to the Ukrainians.
Two weeks of this, right up until the China-lympics were over, which nobody watched anyway, and right up until Nancy Pelosi went on TV and declared that if Russia did NOT invade Ukraine, that was PROOF that the man who Congress declared to be the president back on January 6th of 2021 was a macho-man, WAY more macho than that shirtless, horse-riding Vladimir Putin.
I mean, FFS… if you're Putin, whattaya gonna do?
Pretty soon, everyone forgot about Fauci and the Bat Flu and the border and inflation. Well, not everyone, but a vast majority of likely voters in the upcoming midterms… they're the ones who are somewhat more likely to notice what's in the news than the ones who spend most of their waking hours playing video games.
So, do you see what we did there? And by "we," I mean the government currently headed by the man who Congress declared to be the president back on January 6th of 2021. Today, if any "journalist" takes a breath and accidently mentions inflation or the price of gas or food or cars, they can now blame everything on the war in Ukraine.
Not everything, though… the southern border is still "because Trump."
But no matter the number of dead Ukrainians or Russians, what's really important is that our government can now claim "Mission Accomplished"… they changed the channel.
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