Inflation....ain't it great. What is inflation? According to Milton Friedman, Nobel prize winner in Economics, it "...can only be produced by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than output". The way it was explained in my college economics courses was too many dollars chasing too few goods.We are told by our government that inflation is running at about 7% but it really that big of a deal? President Biden says we must increase incomes and lower costs. Uhhh, how does that work? If wages increase that will increase the cost of manufacturing, which in turn increases the cost of goods sold, plain economics. In my mind, it just adds to the spiral.I know everyone is feeling the pinch of inflation. We must DEMAND that our government, at all levels, REDUCE the dollars they inject into the economy! As individuals, we can reduce our personal spending! Again, we need to use common sense to solve this problem not pie-in-the-sky theories! Keep digging for the truth, keep preparing and speak up!
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