The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on March 1, 2022
When you live on a sailboat you will learn several lessons!  
1) less can be more - high heels are not required, down comforters are not the best choice...
2) mast height and draft - know your limits!
3) topics of discussion on the dock - refrigeration is it really necessary?  Sanitation - joker valve failures, how to treat, how to get rid of your +#**
4) leaks - hull vs deck...
5) storage
I love my life...listening to the squirrels carry on in the mornings, watching deer graze in the "field" in the evenings, seeing flowers spring to life!  But even now I sometimes look back on my time on the water. The very first time we cut the engine and travelled only by sail, the time we laughed when we saw the knotmeter would register up to 35 on our trimaran, watching our son handle the "Dream" alone... Our memories tend to round the hard edges and romanize the past.
We all are searching for the "truth" which is becoming as elusive as Atlantis.  Keep searching, keep speaking, keep preparing!
Dimension: 800 x 600
File Size: 38.31 Kb
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