on February 25, 2022
You are so right, The US failed to support Ukraine.
US, Russia Nuclear Treaty-Ukraine! 1991 and 2014 Biden and Obama— Crimea.
Ukraine gave up Nuclear weapons as Ukraine controlled 1/3 of Russia Nuclear weapons.
Sanctions work real well for Crimea, we sent Blankets
That not what the treaty said!
We have known this for how long? We should have continued Trump military build up. No Biden waits until he coming, no wait, wait, Oh he really is coming!
What a Genius!
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Will Jones
Christian Putin calls for de-Nazification of the Ukraine, taken over by the same Molech-worshipping Talmud cult false-Jew Christ-killing sodomite demon-possessed child-rapers who formed the NAZI party with Roman Catholic NSDAP, endorsed by the Vatican Anti-Christ we Christians founded America in exp... View More
February 25, 2022