Jim Groepler custom working.
on February 24, 2022
Some of y'all may know this project, some not. This is a 1948 Packard Victoria convertible. 
After being run into the ground, it was parked around 50 years ago. So, not only am I dealing with the damage done by sitting that I can normally deal with, I have to deal with the original damage done. Starting with the engine, it development a leak in the cooling system, so they filled it with StopLeak. As the most of the cooling system was bone dry when it arrived,  I don't think it worked to stop the leak.... however it DID work to stop up the cooling system, leading to the overheating and warpage. As you can see, #4 was rusted in, from the head gasket leakage. 
The brake system, and the rest of the drive line are my next targets after finding out how the engine is, the frame and body are in really good condition !!! 
If I didn't have challenging projects, I wouldn't keep doing this ! 
Dimension: 1600 x 1200
File Size: 112.61 Kb
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