Kris Hartley
on February 24, 2022
This is Kiev. One morning about seven years ago. Taken out of a balcony window. There is hope seen in sunlight even amid clouds.
The sun came up this morning in Kiev much the same as it did seven years ago. But life there now is under a tension that was only feared when I was there. Yet the same God who was moving the gospel out of Ukraine to people groups who had never heard the good news of Jesus is still on His Throne above rocket aggression and stealthy but loud lies. We boldly ask for sons of Issachar moments for them and for us as we pray for the sovereignty and destiny of this nation and its people. May we see clearly what is going on and have the boldness to call out lies as lies in one breath while we plead mercy on the innocent in the next.
God Most High is stunning,
astride land and ocean.
He crushes hostile people,
puts nations at our feet…
He’s Lord over earth,
so sing your best songs to God.
God is Lord of godless nations -
sovereign, He’s King of the mountain…
The powers of earth are God’s -
He soars over all.
Take from Psalm 47, The Message
Dimension: 526 x 701
File Size: 20.13 Kb
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