The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on February 24, 2022
Don't you love the trial ballon of blaming inflation and supply chain problems on Russia?  Please understand, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is serious, BUT not the cause of our economic problems!  
I remember getting under my desk and covering my head during nuclear drills as a child.  I remember taking a Russian history course in high school.  I remember Reagan standing up to the Kremlin and the fall of the Soviet Union.  
Remember, the Russians and Ukrainians are both proud people who have a shared history going back to the 9th century under Prince Oleg and known as Kievian Rus'.
I do question why our president seemed to have goaded Putin into this invasion.  Was it to provide cover for his failings here (inflation, wide open border, failed energy policy, crime etc) or was it to further cover-up corporate corruption involving Ukrainian/US ties?  Again, it is the backroom politics that are at play!
We all need to ferret out the truth.  The talking heads are seemingly just reading script that they were given by "them".  Speak up and prepare!
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