Roger Foust
on February 24, 2022
John Kerry, Vietnam Traitor, is now the climate envoy for Biden. Sucking the world's ass and giving America over to them, disguised as fixing climate change. He agrees with Klaus Schwab that one of the ways to fix climate change is TO BLOCK OUT THE SUN! I am not joking here. This is actually part of their plan. When a volcano erupts, the ash cloud temporarily blocks the sunshine and has devastating effects of the food crops. Imagine if they artificially generate a substance to block the sunshine, what that could mean to food supplies. Climate change is not their real concern. The Committee of 300's plan is to reduce global population by the year 2050. John Kerry attended a WEF event in 2020 and was ask a question about if he thought this would happen. Here is his answer.
"Yes, it will happen, and I think it will happen with greater speed and intensity than a lot of people might imagine".
So there you have it. An official of the American government agrees with some of the most evil people on earth, that the population of the world must be reduced. There are round 8 billion people on earth today. The Committee of 300 has stated that 2 billion "is the number that the earth can comfortably support". So in 30 years, they intend to do whatever it takes to eliminate 6 billion people.
Folks, this is Evil personified.
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