Roger Foust
on February 18, 2022
We are hearing about Durham's investigation and an un-named "government cyber contractor" spying on Donald Trump. This un-named contractor is being set up as the fall guys so no one in the government will go to jail. The CIA was formed in 1947. They have been spying on us since that time. But thanks to George Bush and the Patriot Act, several players have been added to the list. Here is a list of American government agencies that have the unfettered ability to spy on every American.
Department of National Intelligence
Air Force Intelligence
Army Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
Coast Guard Intelligence
Defense Intelligence Agency
Department of Energy
Department of Homeland Security
Department of State
Department of the Treasury
Drug Enforcement Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Marine Corps Intelligence
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National Reconnaissance Office
National Security Agency
Navy Intelligence
Space Force Intelligence
Internal Revenue Service
U.S. Marshall Service
Secret Service Agency
With friends like this, who the fuck needs enemies?
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