Stop Telling People Other People Are Racist, Especially In Our SchoolsTo keep breeding the hate that this planet has saw over the decades & centuries is the most absurd & predictable set of events that we could've expected but it still makes that fact no less wrong.A few fast facts for you: At the height of slavery, less than 7% of Americans owned a slave. The first slave owner in America was black actually.Oh, and of that less than 7% of people owning slaves, the Biden & Obama families were among them. They still finding new ways of keeping people on the plantation - #WakeUp
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Will Jones
At the heart of the CRT "anti-racism" anti-White racism psychopathy being visited on God's America at the moment by atheist/Satanist Marxist/Socialist demon-possessed: in over fifty years working in and around Atlanta the only racism experienced was at a high-end residence of a Yankee Black executiv... View More