The Voice of the People
on February 17, 2022
Stop Telling People Other People Are Racist, Especially In Our Schools
To keep breeding the hate that this planet has saw over the decades & centuries is the most absurd & predictable set of events that we could've expected but it still makes that fact no less wrong.
A few fast facts for you: At the height of slavery, less than 7% of Americans owned a slave. The first slave owner in America was black actually.
Oh, and of that less than 7% of people owning slaves, the Biden & Obama families were among them. They still finding new ways of keeping people on the plantation - #WakeUp
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Will Jones
At the heart of the CRT "anti-racism" anti-White racism psychopathy being visited on God's America at the moment by atheist/Satanist Marxist/Socialist demon-possessed: in over fifty years working in and around Atlanta the only racism experienced was at a high-end residence of a Yankee Black executiv... View More
February 17, 2022 Edited