The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on February 15, 2022
I earned a degree, from a state university.  I studied, I used student loans, money from scholarships, money from my family.  I got a job. I paid off my loans.  Here is my point, I didn't do anything that thousands of others haven't done before and since.
I enjoy learning.  I read different viewpoints.  I may be diametrically opposed In my beliefs BUT others have the same right to speak that I do. I have a responsibility to know what is being said!  I rail against the "cancel" culture on BOTH sides! I don't believe that government or anyone else has the right to silence anyone!
If you are willing to educate yourself you will discover that your listening skills will improve. Study, take a stand, speak up and prepare!
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Patricia Fondren
Exactly !!!
February 20, 2022