This is Susan Rosenberg. She took part in one of the deadliest attacks on the US Capitol in America's history. No, not the one that took place on January 6th that you keep hearing about. January 6th was child's play compared to this. This is the one that happened on November 7th 1983, at 10:58 pm - when a bomb that was planted inside of the Capitol building went off and exploded through the 2nd floor of the Senate chamber. It was designed to kill Republican senators that day.You remember that incident right? You probably don't, because it was carried out by a radical far left progressive terrorist group. A group that Susan Rosenberg was directly involved with. Rosenberg was also considered to be an accomplice in several other political terrorist acts carried out by far left liberal groups: including one group known as the Weather Underground which was responsible for a string of bombings of police stations around NYC. The Weather Underground also bombed the Capitol building in 1971, a decade before carrying out the one in 1983.Susan was also tied to a Brinks truck armed robbery that was carried out by members of a group known as the Black Liberation Army - or BLA - an organization of black radicalism and marxism that existed four decades before Black Lives Matter - or BLM - came into existence. That Brinks truck armored car robbery left two New Jersey state troopers and a security guard dead, murdered in cold blood. Susan Rosenberg was connected to the prison escape of convicted cop killer Assata Shakur, who is still on the run, as well as being connected to bombings at the National War College and at the New York Patrolmen's Benevolent Association.After being on the run for a while, she was finally captured with more than 750 lbs of explosives in her possession, and sentenced to 58 years in prison.After serving only 16 years of her sentence, on his very last day in office, then outgoing Democrat President Bill Clinton gave her a full pardon. There was no outcry from the national media, which are 80/20 in favor of Democrats. No one accused Clinton or the Democrats in general for being in cahoots with domestic terrorists. It was simply swept under the rug; especially by the media.Rosenberg has since gone on and become a huge fancier and supporter of BLM (Black Lives Matter), as well as a college professor. Democrats have this weird fixation with lying about their bad history by trying to put it onto Republicans. Like the party switch myth. Or allegations about Russian collusion. Most people today really believe it was Republicans who owned slaves: and not the Democrats. They honestly believe that Democrats were the good guys who came in and fought against the Republican south, to set the slaves free. Which of course is entirely false.So the next time someone brings up January 6th, kindly remind them that the worst attack on our US Capitol happened twice: in 1971 and again on November 7th 1983. And both times it was done by liberals.
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