Rudy Davis
on February 8, 2022
20 Resources about FBI and DOJ Corruptions
An inquiry was made on behalf of innocent political prisoner Jeremy Brown to build a case that the FBI and DOJ are corrupt. Below is a starter list I sent back. I included a few resources about the corrupt BOP.
Can you think of any more resources that fit this description?
#1 of X - Sneaky Tricks of the Enemy
#2 - Former US rep’s wife: If DOJ wants you to go to prison, you will go to prison (PROBLEM IS NOT JUST AT THE TOP)
#3 - Former DOJ Attorney Sidney Powell Statement on DOJ corruption
If the government wants to put you in prison, you will go to prison. It doesn't matter whether you are innocent or not. They will make up crimes against you; they will indict you; they will search your house; they are willing to make up evidence; they're willing to put pressure on witnesses to get them to say whatever they want them to say; anything. They will do anything to get you put into prison. We live in far more of a police state than anybody ever wanted to think. Look at what has happened to Congressman Steve Stockman. These are not the words of a disgruntled prisoner. These are the words of a DOJ attorney who worked inside the system.
#4 - FBI Special Agent Jack Ryan says "The prime function of the FBI is to handle political dissent".
#5 Department of INjustice The Untold Story of Schaeffer Cox
#6 Licensed to Lie Paperback – October 23, 2018 by Sidney Powell (Author)
#7 Not Guilty: The Unlawful Prosecution of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens Paperback – September 16, 2014
#8 Book: The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism: The ISIS Edition Paperback – May 29, 2018
A - The Terror Factory - Book Outlining FBI DOJ Entrapment
B - The Terror Factory Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism
#9 The Kennel: Exposing the Prison Industrial Complex from Inside
#10 The Conviction Factory: The Collapse of America's Criminal Courts Paperback – December 7, 2014
#11 Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Convictions First Edition
#12 You Have the Right to Remain Innocent Paperback – September 20, 2016
#13 Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent Paperback – June 7, 2011
#14 Born Again Republic by Red Beckman
Remembering his military oath during the Korean Conflict to defend his nation “against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” it took Mr. Beckman a few years after returning home to realize just who these “domestic enemies” were that were threatening the freedoms of the American people more than any foreign enemies. After a lengthy fight with the IRS that was still ongoing, Red authored his first book in 1979, Born Again Republic, to remind Americans of how the unconstitutional Internal Revenue Service was stealing their wealth and liberties.
#15 FBI Informant Exposes Sting Operation Targeting Innocent Americans in New "(T)ERROR" Documentary
#16 Death and Taxes Gordon Kahl
#17 Matt Gaetz is getting a clue on how the FBI is completely corrupted and being used as a politicized weapon
#18 FBI Tries To Recruit On Twitter, Hilarious Responses Reveal How Many Americans Really Feel About Them
#19 Russian Conference about Human Rights Violations in America
#20 - The FBI Is in Crisis. It’s Worse Than You Think
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