on September 24, 2020
I will be the first to admit that I spend most day overwhelmed and stressed....
I just want to be real and transparent for a moment..
I feel so many people especially on fb wants to paint this pretty picture
As much as I would love for everything in our life to be peaches and Cream it's not .
????I get aggravated and lose my cool ?
????I dont have everything figured out ????
????I dont know what we are eating for dinner every night ?
????My house is a mess ( there are 4 littles and a teenager in our houses) we live in it ?
???? YES I feel like I am losing my mind sometimes ?
???? YES I cry? and question if I am doing it all wrong .
???? YES I question my parenting most days .
But at the end of the day I am a real mom going through life trying to make the best out of it .
I know many of you can relate ,but I also know many of you are scared to show your true self (your authentic self ) for fear of what people might think.
Remember it does not matter what anyone else thinks :)
For all you moms I want you to know it's ok to break down and lose it every once awhile , but dont just stay there ...
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